What you need to know about door and window caulking on the south shore of Montreal
Whether you are the president of a condo syndicate, a business owner that wants to hire a caulking expert, or just someone that wants to do the work themselves, understanding caulking can make your task easier. In this article, we summarise everything you need to know about sealing doors and windows and the envelope of your building on the south shore of Montreal.
Caulking meaning
Caulk is a waterproof material used to seal joints, gaps, and cracks against leakage in various structures, piping, and between surfaces.
Building envelope.
The building envelope is a barrier that separates the inside from the outside of a structure. Windows and doors are some of the exterior components that prevent air leakage and water infiltration into the building.
When installed, the joints between the doors and windows and the walls are sealed by sealant products; however, the exposure to weather elements and the building’s movement deteriorates the sealants throughout the years.
Open joints and small gaps can accumulate…
A typical small house has 8-10 windows and two doors. Generally, this small house has 330 linear feet of joints around its doors and windows, potentially causing major energy loss and water and insect intrusion if not well sealed.
Any tiny hole in your home or business envelope can raise your energy bills and discomfort during Quebec cold winters.
Door and window joints.
Doors and windows joints are the joints between the door or window frame and the building material. The caulk is applied around the frame to seal the joint, bond it to the wall, and prevent water, air, and insects from getting through the small cracks.
Thermal joints.
The thermal window and door joint is a sealant joint that bonds between the windowpane and the window frame. It prevents or minimizes the loss of insulating gas between window panes. The exterior thermal joint is usually the first joint to fail because of its exposure to weather elements and UV light.
If the joints between the walls and the frames of doors and windows are losing or worn out, water can infiltrate the structure and cause costly damages. Cold air draft and increase your electric bill by 25% or more, especially if you live in a windy area.
Inspect your sealant joints.
A simple inspection can reveal whether your window and door sealant should be replaced. Check around your window and door frames to see if you notice any gaps, holes or cracks in the sealant. If any, damaged joints will show on the south side of your building – due to high exposure to sunlight.
If you feel cold air draft coming through your doors and windows, it may be an indication that the sealants are faulty and that you have some open joints or gaps in your walls.
The appearance of Moisture and mould in your home or near your window can result from water infiltration and is a good indication that your sealants are expired.
Don’t forget! Other building components should be inspected and sealed :
- Window sills
- Expansion joints
- Air vents
- Siding joints
- Exterior light fixtures
- Balcony
- Architectural joints
These elements should be well sealed to prevent water and air infiltration.
Where not to caulk around windows?
At Calfeutrage Apex south shore, we often notice serious caulking mistakes on new and older buildings. Serious damage can be caused to a structure if the caulking is applied at the wrong place.
Window Head Flashing (Also called drip flashing)
The space between the siding and the flashing above the window allows water trapped behind the sidings to drain out from above the window top.
If the head flashing is sealed, water behind the sidings will be trapped and may cause damage to your home.
If you seal your home by yourself, identify the head flashings above your windows to avoid sealing them by mistake. If you use a professional company’s services, be sure to ask them to identify the head flashing.
Removal of the old sealants should always be the first step!
A new sealant should never be applied over an old one unless removing the old sealant may damage the structure. If you are hiring a professional, you should always ask if they remove the old caulk as the first step -this ensures the adhesion between the surface and material. It may be faster and cheaper to caulk over the old sealants; however, the time and money you save may cost you more in potential damages.
How to remove caulk.
With a utility knife and a pair of pliers, you will slice through the sealant and peel it away.
After the removal is completed, all surfaces should be cleaned with a solvent to remove dust and oil and other dirt particles. You can learn more about how to remove caulk at this link
A caulking gun is an important caulking tool.
A caulking gun is an application tool containing a tube or cartridge filled with the caulking product used for sealing up gaps and cracks in the home or commercial building. To learn how to use a caulk gun and how to caulk, click here.
Calfeutrage Apex is a pro caulking company on the south shore of Montreal. Here at Calfeutrage Apex, sealing windows and doors is our expertise. We specialize in sealing a variety of structures and surfaces with a skilled team that is expert at:
- Caulking commercial buildings
- Caulking industrial and institutional structures
- Caulking residential homes.
- Indoor caulking of residential homes
- Indoor caulking of commercial and industrial facilities.
We offer on-site detailed inspections that include colour matching and professional advice.
Free Quote: info@calfeutrageapex.com
Call: 438-288-0338