Are your old windows not as airtight as they used to be, causing air to circulate around them and water to seep in? Caulking has been proven time and time again to limit these air exchanges and water infiltration, so you may have decided to take action and seal your doors and windows.
Not so fast!
If your windows are made of wood, you will need to take certain precautions before caulking around the perimeter with a sealant.
Choose an adhesive sealant designed to caulk wood windows
Before purchasing an adhesive sealant for caulking joints, you should first consider the surface it will be applied to. In the case of wood, not all types of sealants can adhere firmly to it and produce strong, durable joints.
Use silicone-based adhesive sealants for better bonding to wood
Wood is a porous, breathable material, which sets it apart from the majority of materials that sealants are usually applied to. These characteristics make silicone sealants the natural choice of caulking professionals when it comes to caulking wood windows.
Silicone sealant, unlike many cheaper caulking products, offers a good grip on wood (as long as it isn’t wet). It is also UV and weather resistant and retains its flexibility in any temperature, making it highly effective and durable in outdoor applications.
Avoid oil-based sealants when caulking wooden windows
Never apply an oil-based sealant around the insulating panes of wooden windows. Vegetable oils contained in this type of caulking mix can damage the polysulfides found on many wooden windows. These oils cause the polysulfide to crack, degrade and ultimately cause the wooden window to fail and fog up.
Prepare the surface of your wood windows before applying the caulking sealant
Wood fibres on the surface of windows often become damaged when they have been exposed to intense, direct sunlight for a long period of time.
Since these fragile fibres can come loose from the window frame at any time, ruining your caulking joints, it is best to remove them before applying adhesive sealant.
You can do this by sanding your window frame and then covering it with a coat of paint or protective varnish. The goal is for your window frame to be as clean and smooth as possible. This will extend the longevity of your seals.
Calfeutrage Apex can properly seal the edges of your wood windows
In conclusion, you can indeed caulk around wood windows, provided that you choose the right sealant and prepare the surface before applying it. That said, even if you follow the advice above, nothing guarantees that your joints will be as long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing as they would be if you had the job done by a team of professionals.
If you want caulking joints that will enhance the appearance of your home and make it more energy-efficient, you can trust Calfeutrage Apex’s residential caulking service. Based on the South Shore of Montreal, our company guarantees the work for 10 years and will provide you with a free quote.